We love this article by Paul Cole telling the story of how we came to be here
We love this article by Paul Cole telling the story of how we came to be here
I think it took many of us a kind of “grieving” period, ( sorry for using that word, to those who grieve more for people in their lives). We really missed the “family” that we had with heygo…always there, and in some cases, dear friends were made. And then, in the blink of an eye, all of a sudden, very unexpectedly, like a surprise death ( again, apologies to people actual mourning death ), we were thrust into a deep dark hole, wondering wth happened and wth were we to do and wth could we do. We all really felt a type of “panic” ( including thinking we had to quickly download our saved photos and albums). Honestly, personally, just from me, I never imagined that anything could be done. It had been a most incredible technical feat. But, right away, we were sent a lifeline…It would be an incredible, intricate, time consuming, find your way along the way task…bit it happened. And not very long after the “death”. And people were asked to have patience, bear with it, etc. Some did, some did not. But the HARD WORK and DEDICATION of all persons involved in the “resurrection” of our heygo community, and guides, has been nothing short of miraculous. SO MANY FACTORS. SO MANY DETAILS. SO MANY HOURS. So much knowledge. So much patience. And, the main attribute: PERSEVERANCE.
And so, having the opportunity to reply here in comments, in reaction, I don’t think it’s been said enough…a huge, big “THANK YOU”, to those who worked so hard
on RECREATING this whole platform….I am afraid to write specific names here, as I am afraid I will erroneously omit certain names, (please forgive me, dear people)… but we can all be grateful that a drowned thing was pulled up out of the water and revived….thank you, thank you, to all. We appreciate you. And we will try to get used to the new way of travel life with you.
See you there. 🌍