Guidelines for Content Creation

Together Virtually is committed to providing high quality live-streamed and pre-recorded tours and events.

Our Guides are special. They take viewers to another world, full of wonder and delight. They are committed to their craft and don’t settle for only good enough. Quality doesn’t happen by accident, it takes skill and hard work.

Great Guides give due care to the preparation and delivery of their tours and events. To be listed on Together Virtually we ask Guides to give detailed thought to the content for each tour, thereby ensuring a positive experience for viewers.

Guides are expected to read, understand and follow the guidelines below.

We welcome a broad range of topics and styles, however, please note these must adhere to our Child Safeguarding and Animal Welfare policies. Any tours or events posted that breach these guidelines will be removed immediately and the Guide will receive a warning or suspension.

To set expectations please indicate on your title and tour descriptions if tours are not suitable for children. Tour titles should begin with the words ADULTS ONLY. Please explain at the beginning of your tour why it is not suitable for children, e.g. sensitive content, swearing.

Prohibited Content
Endorsement or promotion of the consumption, manufacture or trade of drugs, controlled substances and tobacco.

Endorsement or promotion of excessive alcohol intake.

Nudity or sexual activity, sexually suggestive content or services.

Encouraging suicide or self-harm

Support for any proscribed terrorist group or organisation as per the UK Terrorism Act 2000, as well as endorsing extremist behaviour.

The use of hate speech, incitement of violence and intolerance. Mocking victims.

Discrimination towards any of the protected characteristics as defined in the UK’s Equality Act 2010 including: Age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation.

Code of Conduct
Every Guide is fully entitled to their own opinions and private life. However, in the public arena Guides are under a spotlight and should behave as community role models.

Public bullying or shaming of viewers, other Guides or Together Virtually is not acceptable. This includes but is not restricted to comments made on tour or on public social media channels.

Scheduling Tours and Events
Guides can schedule and host tours at your chosen date and time. However, if possible, please try to avoid scheduling at the same time as other Guides.

Guides that do not show up for their tours without an adequate reason will receive a warning and may have their tours or guide page removed if they do not show up to future tours. New guides that do not appear for their first tour will have their account suspended immediately.

Consistently scheduling and then cancelling a large number of tours may result in a warning or suspension.

Technical Quality
Please test the signal on your planned route. Occasional dips in signal can be due to a variety of factors. However, signal checking is key to delivering a good experience for viewers.

We recognise technical issues will occasionally happen which are outside of a guide’s control. However if expected levels of technical quality are not met without an adequate reason then guides will be removed from the website.

Shaky video can cause motion sickness for viewers. Tours or events delivered without the use of a stabilizing gimbal or an inadequate gimbal, when one would be required, are not permitted.

Tours with inaudible or low quality audio: typically due to a lack of an external microphone are not permitted.

* Where tours and events do not meet these guidelines we reserve the right to remove your listing and/or your guide profile from our website. *