Event Listing Form


NEW Event listing form for Together Virtually website. Using this listing form is free until further notice and your tour will appear on both the Google shared calendar and the website calendar

Please complete all sections and attach a 1280 x 720 image (max 300k)

This is an interim solution and once the website is fully functional you will be able to load up your own tours

Title of Virtual tour – Please use this format Location -Tour title

E.g. Chicago – Architectural highlights

It is important that we follow the format so that we can make the search functions work. Tours cannot be listed that do not use this format.

For timezone, please choose from the drop down list of the continent where the tour will take place e.g. at home tours is your broadcast location when the tour goes live

Please ensure tour links go direct to events on YouTube and Facebook not to your channel or group. For information on creating public Facebook events click here

[contact-form-7 id="9ee5080" title="Event Listing Form"]